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Here you will find resources on learning English

Suggested sites

Click on either the image or the text below to be taken to the suggested site, or hover the mouse over an image for information.

Above you will find sites that I would recommend for you to use to help you learn English.

First, allows you to watch informational videos by scientists, historians and comedians, usually in British English dialect. It has quality subtitles, which will allow you to follow the speaker. It is a great way to practice listening to British English, but the videos are also fun to watch.

Similarly, CBC news video channel will allow you to practice listening to Canadian English. They also have quality closed captioning/subtitles, which will help you follow them.

Finally, I've linked the International Students Ministries of Canada, or ISMC, brochure. It lists activities that you can attend with other international students, but also lists free ESL classes. They last around 2 hours and focus on reading a non-religious story, then ask you questions on it to assess and assist your comprehension. Different levels are available, so whether you are a beginner or an intermediate user of English, you will find them useful. By attending the ISMC activities you will practice reading, speaking and listening to English. You may also make international friends!

I hope you find the suggestions helpful!